Unauthorized/Illegal Usage
You should not use the coderves products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor may you, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws) as well as the laws of European Union and International law. In particular, it is prohibited to use our items for pages that promote: violence, terrorism, hard pornography, racism, vulgarity content or warez software links.
You cannot to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service without the express written permission by codervex.
You cannot place any of our commercial products, modified or unmodified, on CD, website or any other medium. You also shall not offer them for redistribution or resale of any kind without prior written consent from our company. Especially on ThemeForest, Template Monster or similar services.
You shall not purchase search engine or other pay per click keywords (such as Google AdWords), or domain names that use codervex or codervex trademarks and/or variations and misspellings.
If you create an account on the codervex website, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under the account and any other actions taken in connection with the account. You must immediately notify Codervex of any unauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security.
Once you have downloaded our product, you may contact us for support via support ticket and we will do our best to resolve your issue. We will try provide a solution via the support ticket for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core package.
If your support requires additional modification of the template, the module or plugin then you have two options:
- Wait for further development of the product.
- Or order custom form.
Please check also our Support policy section when we described details about our support.